Fri, 12 April, 2024

Windows Notepad’s Enhanced Features

Windows Notepad’s Enhanced Features

Microsoft prioritized keeping Notepad a lightweight and fast program.  Adding complex features could have impacted performance.  Therefore, Microsoft opted for a phased approach, introducing features over time to avoid overwhelming users accustomed to the classic Notepad experience.

These features have included wrap-around search, text zoom, search autofill, line numbers, the ability to open multiple files in tabs, and a character counter.  Now with Windows 11's Notepad, spell check and autocorrect have been added.

Users have control over features and can typically adjust settings within the program's preferences.  Since certain file types, like log files and source code, often contain technical terms or abbreviations that might trigger unnecessary flags, the user can go to settings and disable spell check. 

The inclusion of these features signifies a shift in Notepad's role.  While it remains a great option for basic tasks, it's now more capable of handling even moderately complex projects.


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